Questions About the Bible
1. Why are there contradictions in the Bible?
2. How can we really know God's Word when there are errors in translation?
3. Why is much of the Bible poorly written and irrelevant?
4. Why is there so much bad stuff in the Bible?
5. How can we be sure the Books in the Bible we use are the correct ones?
6. Why are some Bible stories so similar to stories from other cultures?
Questions About God
7. Why does God do things we consider immoral, evil, and contradictory to the teachings of Jesus?
8. Why does God makes mistakes?
9. Why is God's message is confusing?
Questions About Christians
10. Why do we ignore and violate many of the teachings in the Bible?
11. Why do truths from the Bible change over time?
12. Why do Christians suspend logic when thinking about God?
13. Why is your parent's religion the biggest predictor of your religion?
14. Why are there so many disagreements even among Christians?
15. Why aren't Christians better than other people?
More Food for Thought
16. More Food for Thought
17. Videos
18. Web Sites
19. Books
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Challenges Confronting Christians
More Food for Thought
> Web Sites
Web Sites
Biblical Archaeology
- Great magazine and site about Biblical Archaeology research findings
- Most versions of the Bible online
- Links to many resources